I had a good friend, who’s not a life coach, offer me her life coaching after she read my last few blogs. She saw that I was in a place, as many of you probably had, and truth be told I was. So why write about it? Because writing is as much a part of me as the pain that I experience or the joy that I experience. I can’t connect with my fellow humans when I’m presenting myself and my life in an inhuman way through Twitter highlights and Facebook likes. Life happens, some days rain, some days sun, but no matter what happens, everyday I’m always a writer. And that is specifically what was causing my foggy landscape the last few days.
I’ve been reading a great book called, “Goals” by Brian Tracy. One of the techniques suggested is to write a list of at least ten goals that you’d like to accomplish within the next few months/years. And on the list pick one thing that you desire above all the other goals. This one thing is your definite purpose. This definite purpose is what you have a deep burning desire to accomplish. Upon achieving this one goal, it is likely that the byproducts would be achieving the other, in a sense lesser goals. But this is the big one. This is your dream and this is something that you can write down on paper that is results-oriented as well as quantifiable. It’s not just, “I want to be rich.” It’s specific.
My love of writing and gift for doing so has been with me since I was little. I’d write poems, short stories, lyrics… I loved writing and it followed me into singing with the band and college. I had a professor say to me (and this was a very difficult professor), ” Mark, can I talk to you about that paper you wrote? I just wanted to say, you either plagiarized every word or you’re a hell of a writer.” I was one of the very few people that got an A on that paper.
So the realization that hit me today was this… Why sell Life insurance when I’m a writer? Why go to medical school when I’m a writer? Why build a life coaching business when I’m a writer? Why not write being that I’m a writer?
If every action I’m doing doesn’t take me closer to my definite purpose and primary goal… well… then I’m fucking up. And so are you 🙂
It’s good to be back.