I wasn’t believing in my own dreams. How the hell can you do that when you’re writing, speaking, coaching, teaching, and reading on following your dreams? Well, simply put I’m human. Many of the things I write about and teach are things that I’m currently in process of learning myself. The best way to really learn something is to explain or teach it to someone else. So the values, principles, and various disciplines that I’m sharing on here and through my books are things that I’m really trying to perfect and PRACTICE myself. It’s really only through continual self-observation that you come to realize where you need to alter aspects of your beliefs and fine tune your daily actions.
When I was writing my goals down and always putting certain businesses and other ventures ahead of what I really wanted to do, it was a way of me saying to myself that I should do these other things that are more believable and attainable than what I really actually want to do. Then I was sitting back wondering why all of those attempts were continually met with frustration, failure, and absolute unfulfilled experience. Well, I wasn’t working within my strengths. I wasn’t doing heart-focused work. I was doing work that I thought would bridge me to my dreams when my dreams were already right there with me. I just wasn’t believing that. I wasn’t believing that my dreams were actually within arms reach of me. I was thinking I still had some long smashed-up road ahead of me doing work that I hate until I could do the work that I love. That was a false belief. I can do the work I love right now. I don’t have any hoops to jump through, arrows to endure, or fake people to satiate. I have only the work that lies within me to do. And it’s work that I love. (p.s. this is true for you as well)
The moment I believed I could be what I always wanted to be, I started to become what I always wanted to be.
Sometimes I go back and forth with beating myself up in regard to the time I think I lost doing other things when I could have been fully focused on what I’m fully focused on now. But like my enlightened friend in the picture above shows… it’s ok. I’m here now and it doesn’t matter where I’ve been.